Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

?.. Q mw crita!

Fiuh.. Q udh lama ngagak nge-post ni!
Gara-gara banyak tugas dari skul. Tapi alhamdulillah, sekarang aku ada waktu buat nge-post.

MMM.. salah satu dari tugasq ni kaea ini!

Name :Azizatum Mu’afah
Class :VII C
Absent :9 (Nine)


This is rabbit. A house rabbit can live up to 10 to 12 years. And it is a long term to commitment There are over 45 recognized breeds in the United States and all domesticated rabbit breeds are descendants of European rabbits. Cottontails are their cousins from the Americas and they cannot breed and produce live off spring. Rabbits can be litter box trained and it is much easier to train them after they have been neutered or spayed. Rabbits cannot vomit and hairballs can be fatal. Rabbit teeth grow constantly and bunnies will naturally gnaw wires, furniture legs, etc. so rooms in a house must be bunny-proofed where they are allowed to run. Rabbits can mate as early as 3 months of age and gestation is 31 days. When bunnies become adult rabbits they can exhibit aggressive and territorial behavior. Rabbits can learn their names and simple words such as “No.” Rabbits require a solid floor in their cage instead of a wire grate since their feet are not padded like a dog or cat. Rabbits are most active in the early morning and in the late evening making them good pets for working adults.. selain itu, masih banyak lagi. Dari buat ppt, kerkel, n banyak lagi! Tapi aku seneng kok! ^^ I LOVE STUDY :)..

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Gunakan Bahasa yang Sopan ya! And nggak nyinggung orang lain! :)

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

?.. Q mw crita!

Fiuh.. Q udh lama ngagak nge-post ni!
Gara-gara banyak tugas dari skul. Tapi alhamdulillah, sekarang aku ada waktu buat nge-post.

MMM.. salah satu dari tugasq ni kaea ini!

Name :Azizatum Mu’afah
Class :VII C
Absent :9 (Nine)


This is rabbit. A house rabbit can live up to 10 to 12 years. And it is a long term to commitment There are over 45 recognized breeds in the United States and all domesticated rabbit breeds are descendants of European rabbits. Cottontails are their cousins from the Americas and they cannot breed and produce live off spring. Rabbits can be litter box trained and it is much easier to train them after they have been neutered or spayed. Rabbits cannot vomit and hairballs can be fatal. Rabbit teeth grow constantly and bunnies will naturally gnaw wires, furniture legs, etc. so rooms in a house must be bunny-proofed where they are allowed to run. Rabbits can mate as early as 3 months of age and gestation is 31 days. When bunnies become adult rabbits they can exhibit aggressive and territorial behavior. Rabbits can learn their names and simple words such as “No.” Rabbits require a solid floor in their cage instead of a wire grate since their feet are not padded like a dog or cat. Rabbits are most active in the early morning and in the late evening making them good pets for working adults.. selain itu, masih banyak lagi. Dari buat ppt, kerkel, n banyak lagi! Tapi aku seneng kok! ^^ I LOVE STUDY :)..

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Gunakan Bahasa yang Sopan ya! And nggak nyinggung orang lain! :)